Our Vision

We envision a day when racism and prejudice are replaced with love and reconciliation.  We envision the process and outcome of this to be sacred and shared spaces where paradigm shifting experiences can happen. We envision households upon households worship Jesus for who He says He is!

Our Values


As we seek the Kingdom of God and live counter-culturally, we practice these core values:

Prayer: We depend on the leadership and guidance of the Holy Spirit in all we do

Partnership: We work collaboratively with other likeminded believers

Reconciliation: We believe in the reconciling ministry of Jesus who tore down dividing walls


Discovery: We believe all people are made in the image of God and seek to help others discover who Jesus says He is

Story: We believe the power of story. We value the stories of others, the space to share our own stories, as well as God’s story

Empowerment: We seek to empower our refugee friends to thrive and live toward self-sustainability